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blue_will 2014-10-03 12:11




“TF的三位一体:大脑模块、火种、变形齿轮——大脑模块:皮影戏/学院/大波     火种:出生方式/神铸/冷制造/法官    变形齿轮:功能主义/变形形态”











MTMTE#11    跟大波相关的都不是啥好事


superginrai1989 2014-10-03 13:13

blue_will 2014-10-03 13:24
superginrai1989:楼主可否解释一下出生方式/神铸/冷制造/法官这几个的含义,谢谢 (2014-10-03 13:13) 


gts450 2014-10-03 15:50

wogjes 2014-10-03 16:46

ytterbium 2014-10-03 20:42
superginrai1989:楼主可否解释一下出生方式/神铸/冷制造/法官这几个的含义,谢谢 (2014-10-03 13:13) 

Till all are one.

hay_lin 2014-10-03 20:47
火种的诞生,也就是出生方式分神铸/冷制造两种,大法官认为赛博坦人的两种出生方式给赛博坦带 .. (2014-10-03 20:42)




ytterbium 2014-10-03 23:38
....... (2014-10-03 20:47) 

赛博坦的信仰Till all are one明显就是从这里来的,宗教情节其实一直贯穿整个赛博坦的历史。


snowman19850202 2014-10-04 06:26

我是热破 2014-10-04 12:13

心之龙城飞将 2014-10-04 16:18

天才女狼 2014-10-04 22:25

rogerdry 2014-10-06 16:14

blue_will 2014-10-06 23:59



虐心的前奏   MTMTE#14







其实目前的两大冷制造出身的主演(MTMTE 夜巡 ; RID  警车)貌似都有逻辑线路过于发达  对感情或者说社会潜规则不敏锐的情况(夜巡在DC里是靠狂热推理摆脱控制的,MTMTE#32也很不识趣地直问女士的私人问题,警车在RID#29也自白感情模块总是运转不畅),结合其诞生方式以及在战时越来越简化的帮助冷制造品适应社会的十条守则,感觉后期会有类似基因工程或者克隆人的剧情,话说回来,逻辑过于发达这个设定让我想起了《无限恐怖》里的楚轩大校耶。

blue_will 2014-10-07 00:03


脑洞,结合MTMTE#30,感觉相当一部分底层士兵都是战争期间冷制造出来的消耗品(MTMTE#5 好名字都被消耗光了 再度吐槽其伏笔之深),爬得比较高的都是内战爆发前(夜巡在MTMTE#31提到其为第一波第一批 ,貌似名字比较正常,且这位在《Eugenesis》里的地位也蛮重要的,期待他的表现;激流作为定制士兵就名字很有特色了)

P.S.  偏见的产生很多时候是因为不完整的真相,大法官的看法并非完全错误,且看开关打开之后,专门给个特写的受害者都有  卡隆(DJD里的情报官和通讯官)MTMTE#7~8的清洗小队(无论再怎么洗霸天虎还是默认反派),寻光号(黑历史一堆的合金盾,现在正邪难辨的小诸葛,和刹车搭档的跑路,录音机实在太酱油不算 )塞博坦(野心家红蜘蛛 机器狗 汽车人的戴笠 警车)OP的团队(老顽固),基本上都要么是敲死的反派要么黑历史一堆亦正亦邪,当然,我估计JR探讨的还是不是出身而是时代推动他们成了现在这样,比如神铸的药王就非常疯狂,但不可否认对冷制造的偏见也是推手之一

superginrai1989 2014-10-07 00:09

blue_will 2014-10-07 00:30

MTMTE#5   霸天虎的入党程序  (《失落的秘符》里提到很多社团尤其是秘密社团都有极具特色和神秘感的加入仪式,整新人在不少外国知名学府也是传统)









机动擎天柱零式特攻型 2014-10-07 08:49
....... (2014-10-06 23:59) 



blue_will 2014-10-07 09:51
普通的绿色火种的话应该是OP,老通,福特这样比一般TF要优秀一些的程度 (2014-10-07 08:49) 

看得不仔细  谢谢提醒

hay_lin 2014-10-08 17:28
整理辛苦了  很多想法很有启发性

辣酱 2014-10-08 18:49
MTMTE#5   霸天虎的入党程序  (《失落的秘符》里提到很多社团尤其是秘密社团都有极具特色和神秘感的加入仪式,整新人在不少外国知名学府也是传统)
....... (2014-10-07 00:30) 


威威向右 2014-10-08 22:36
顶一个,分析的很好。 原来漫画细看有这么多可以挖的东西,有机会多补几遍

hay_lin 2014-10-09 11:33

hay_lin 2014-10-09 11:39


hay_lin 2014-10-09 11:57


范围缩小<人际关系>:【MTMTE#17  补天士回忆通天晓和漂移的那段话很有启发性 】
第一季 RID:大黄蜂(火种),警车(大脑模块),铁皮(变形齿轮)

第二季 RID:擎天柱(火种),警车(大脑模块),变形齿轮待定(钛师傅,ARC,爵士,斯派克均有可能)

范围再缩小  <个人>:MTMTE#3  合金盾提到:“变形齿轮,大脑模块,火种其中任何一个受损,会导致另外两个当机。”

blue_will 2014-11-28 22:09



As recent readers of the comics have noted, the Prowl featured nowadays is different than the Prowl presented in the first half of IDW Publishing’s Transformers comic run and in past representations. Prowl had a code to live by. Although he may have disagreed at times with orders given, he obeyed the chain of order. His actions were guided by established rules and through the analysis of data. Lately, some of his actions have involved actions of questionable ethics and decisions that seem to go against those he would have chosen in the past. His actions as of late seem to insinuate he’s more likely to follow his own agenda than that of the Autobots as a whole. Spotlight: Prowl attempts to fill in the history regarding why the readers see a change in Prowl. Although the story does provide reasoning why seems to be making decisions that are different than those in the past, it does not explain such questionable ethics as those found in All Hail Megatron #15 in which Kup was rebuilt with some personality sub-routines added and controlled by Prowl.

A majority of the story in Spotlight: Prowl takes place between the end of All Hail Megatron and the beginning of the Transformers ongoing series. Following the victory over the Decepticons on Earth, Optimus Prime struggles to determine the correct path for the Autobots to follow as he comes to believe the army structure of the Autobots is no longer necessary. Prowl, meanwhile, does not agree with orders given by Optimus Prime to perform an ongoing assignment of helping and monitoring the humans while keeping his disguise. As Prowl watches over the humans in his police car disguise, he continues to analyze the comparisons between humans and Transformers by running numbers/data. As the story proceeds and events unfold, Prowl learns that the data may not always dictate the correct course of action.

The writer on Spotlight: Prowl is Mike Costa, who is also responsible for penning the ongoing series. As such, the Spotlight is definitely written with the ongoing series in mind. The events in this issue help explain some previously unknown details from the first five issues of the ongoing series. Beyond Prowl’s new direction, the appearance of Jetfire, Seaspray, and Windcharger are explained along with the fate of a certain Decepticon. Since the story does flow with the ongoing storyline, Spotlight: Prowl is very much a story that will be liked only by those who continue to follow and enjoy the ongoing.

Spotlight: Prowl features the return of E.J. Su, who was the primary artist on much of the first few years of Transformers Generation One-era comics for IDW Publishing. Like Don Figueroa did for the ongoing series, E.J. Su has changed his style for Spotlight: Prowl. Not as drastic as Don’s changes, Su’s changes to the Transformers designs can best be described as a mix of his previous art style and that of the current “Classics/Universe” designs. The end result, especially in the case of both Prowl and Optimus Prime, are character designs that are more thin and lanky in appearance. The update to E.J. Su’s style is refreshing. Along with some striking backgrounds, Su shows that he hasn’t lost his touch since taking a hiatus from Transformers. His art is enhanced too, by the coloring of Transformers newcomer Andrew Dalhouse.

On the negative side, those who have been frustrated with the multiple art styles between the ongoing series and concurrent mini-series (such as Bumblebee and Ironhide) will continue to be frustrated that Spotlight: Prowl introduces yet another style into the mix.

As a stand-alone story, Spotlight: Prowl serves as a nice read. It’s simple and to the point. As part of the ongoing saga, it fills in some of the gaps readers have questions about. However, the spotlight does not fully answer all of his recent actions. More important than an explanation regarding why Prowl looks at the data differently now would have been an explanation of questionable actions such as the rebuilding of Kup. Unfortunately, questions such as those remain unanswered.


blue_will 2014-11-28 22:13

“The evaluation is self-evident: one of their lives is not worth one of ours. That’s what the math dictates.”

Let me get this off my chest first and foremost. I am a Prowl S-L-A-P-P-Y. He was one of the first toys I owned as a child. From the TV show, he was also not everybody’s favorite robot, but he did see plenty of screen time, so I felt comfortable having him as a favorite that nobody else did. Man did I hate seeing him go down like he did in the movie.

In the Marvel comics, he was forgettable until the final issues of the series (“An 80- issue miniseries!”), mostly because in the span of the first 10 issues, he and a band of other Autobots were put down for the count early on by Shockwave, and then put into storage until they could be repaired. When Grimlock found the nucleon and repaired all the wrecked Autobots (wikitron fan fact- causing them to no longer have alt modes), Prowl came back to lead the Autobots as Bludegon led the Decepticons...and of course, Prowl led the Autobots into a Decepticon trap that just about destroyed them. Can’t catch a break. Grimlock dispised him as a weak leader as well.

So, I think you get the picture. Prowl’s claims to fame have been...
-right hand robot to the leader
-unfeeling, logic driven cad
-incompetent leader and soldier
-overall ‘party pooper’ of the Autobots

He did have a shining moment, at least in this Prowl fan’s eyes.

The episode Roll For It in Season 1 was the closest we’ve seen to an independent Prowl who does more than think, or act as a ‘yes man’ to authority. Unfortunately, he needed Chip Chase’s help to be this remarkable a warrior.

The TakaraTomy Binaltech fiction saw the reemergence of Prowl as a character, but again, needing Chip Chase as his more human side.

Prowl has been in every re-imagining of Generation One continuity you can name. His importance, as already stated, has never really gone past that of strategist relying on facts. As you can imagine, when the Transformers Spotlight Prowl was announced I was really excited ('Starscream fangirl' excited, no, excited, yes) that we might get something more about this underrated character.


The return of E.J. Su. Through the hazy mists who is it that we see reappear to light our darkest hour? None other than Transformers artist E.J. Su, back at work with IDW drawing Transformers.

“Hi, I’m EJ Su, you may remember me from such previous Transformers stories as Transformers: Infiltration, the hiding, and Transformers: Escalation, the slow build.”

Oh, and remember when we didn’t like E.J’s new designs on our 'Precious'? Many of us would love to see him come back and give Transformers Ongoing pencils a go.

His art does create a familiar, happy feeling to return to though. E.J. calls upon his ‘-tion’ style mostly, and brings us simpler, blockier designs based on each character’s Classics and Universe toy (for those that had one).

The work is gritty, and energetic, and yet, it fits like an old glove. Textures are handled, but not in an overly complex way. The inks and colors work well with the pencils to create an effect that many of us have missed in our Transformers comics lately.


What I really like though are the uses of the large, dark, shadow spots. They work well, and as a style, allow the artist to use less detail, and think more about the inter-workings of the negative and positive spaces these dark shadows cause. It also allows for more attention to be brought to the parts that are bright, which are usually the most important to helping us see the story.

I am sure that the art is going to cause some wincing among fans, but I find it refreshing, nostalgic, and interesting to look at. It has a certain Mike Mignola Hellboy feel to it (with less hell, more boy) that works well with Transformers.


Since All Hail Megatron Coda #15, Prowl has been left out of things. We’ve seen him helping Rodimus Prime’s bunch trying to get off of Earth in the Transformers Ongoing series (wikitron Fan Fact: Prowl got captured by humans as he was baited into trying to save Breakdown then **edit** rescued, in the battle for his rescue, Ironhide was lost). We’ve seen him pulling some strings as a high ranking Autobot leader to get certain people into certain places (See Spotlights Kup, and Ultra Magnus, and Last Stand of the Wreckers #4).

All this has led us to think is that Prowl is pretty much the Autobot equivalent of Shockwave, albeit less powerful of a fighter. Always calculating the math, and making decisions based on logic and numbers, never using instincts, or feeling to make his decisions. Prowl supports the Autobot cause to no end, and really does not question authority, as long as logic, and the numbers, support it.

This 'attempting to save Breakdown' incident in TF Ongoing #1 was a step in a new direction for Prowl. For those who may have thought, ‘What the hell?’ when Prowl made that somewhat uncharacteristic move, you’re about to be enlightened. This story tells the tale of Prowl between All Hail Megatron, and Transformers Ongoing #1. It gives us insights into the character that we perhaps have not given much thought to, or thought that the writers had given much thought to either.

This spotlight also helps fill in some pieces (like AHM Coda did), it is a fairly necessary read for anyone trying to make sense of the continuity that IDW is placing together.

For fans of Generation One characters that transform into police cars that are not named Streetwise, Siren, or Stakeout, this is written for you, as well.

Finally, Prowl fans can feel good that their guy is not just a logic driven, uncaring, strategist. We saw some passion in the Marvel series, and on the old cartoon, but until now, have really only seen him giving, and receiving orders.

In this issue Prowl has some intense inner dialogue where he is calculating the effectiveness of what they are doing on Earth, making suggestions, and feeling the command structure fall to pieces around him. He is caught up between his emotions and the logic, and this is what drives the story.

And then we see the heart in the tin man...

The entirety of the issue is either Prowl ‘debating’ with himself, self-narrating the story, or dialogue where he interacts with others. It fits very well. It is well written, and Mike Costa deserves praise for this issue's success because he is sure getting enough people contesting his writing/pacing in Transformers Ongoing.

This issue allows us to get into Prowl’s head, and heart, and finally feel he’s...something.

Long time coming, long overdue, and well executed. Prowl fan happy. Enjoy.

Check out the 5-page Prowl preview here, the issue hits your local comic shop somewhere near tomorrow.

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